Washington 80 New York 64

The host Mystics beat the Liberty —one of the best teams ever assembled — by 16 on opening night Friday, and it wasn’t that close.

The second day of the season isn’t too early to second-guess a coach, is it?

The 1983 Sixers were the first “superteam”, so it was their coach Billy Cunningham who was the initial brunt of “all he does is roll out the balls” jokes. Then Phil Jackson confirmed the joke as the truth, though to what extent is up to the individual.

Liberty coach Sandy Brondello is in the same boat, and if I were in her deck shoes, I’d say: “Fuck them, let ’em talk”, install a read-and-react flex, and see how it goes.

The thing that separates the 2023 Liberty from other superteams, I think, is that three of their starting five are candidates for “most creative player ever” at their positions. Roll out the balls then, and let them loose.